As Usain Bolt only need 9.63 seconds to win gold medal at the London 2012 Olympic and set the world record, you as marketer have 8.25 seconds to capture and win Gen Z's heart and wallet!
This is a world of emojis, 15-second Tik Tok videos, click-swipe-tap impulsive buy and i want it now delivery. Gen Z consumes information instantaneously and loses interest just as fast. Gen Z only have 8.25 seconds attention span*, not because lack of interest, or get bored easily, simply because they are the true generation of internet/mobile first. They have grown up with all knowledge they can possible have with a single click, tap or swipe. So if your brand wants to win gen Z's heart and wallet, rule no 1 is don't make them wait!
GenZ is the instant generation. From information, communication, gratification they want it all and they want it now. They’ve grown up with constant streams of data and instant access to information on their finger tips. remember our childhood? we were used to wait 10 minutes for a PC to boot, or 5 minutes for internet modem to connect with hideous sounds. Gen Z don’t like waiting for answers anymore than they like waiting in line. And they especially hate waiting for an app to load.
Gen Z are the most "ruthless" unforgiving consumers you will ever deal with. If your app, content, website, transaction or payment are slow, you can forget winning Gen Z as your customers!
This generation has a need for speed and expects technology to work at the click of a button or the tap of a screen. According to, Eight out of Ten (80%) respondent expect mobile apps to transact in three seconds or less and they switch between devices and platforms 27 times an hour.
Another factor that propel short attention span is that the fact they are multi screens generation. After growing up in a world of infinite options and limited time, Gen Z consume information incredibly quickly. They multitask across five screens every day and communicate in rapid-fire banter. Mobile, Tab Laptop, TV, IoT Screens, even most of the times they do their activities by collaborating information across those screens.
This makes them not only consume, but actively use, interact and engage information and contents from those multi screens. Speed is key, and which ever slower will be skipped or worst, abandoned. They are used to process all the information in a blink, and decide wether they want to consume and engage to find something that can be presented and came up faster on their screens.
They would scrolling their IG feeds, responding their whats app on their right hand, while working on their laptop designing a presentation, at the same time listening to the Spotify streaming music roaring on their earbuds and still give a glimpse checking football match score on the cafe’s large screens TV
You can see the example of this behaviour in any coffee shops where these youngsters sit down with a hot caffe late. They would scrolling their IG feeds, responding their whats app on their right hand, while working on their laptop designing a presentation, at the same time listening to the streaming music from their Spotify roaring on their earbuds and still give a glimpse checking football match score on the cafe’s large screens TV
Information bombardment has left them with an attention span of just 8.25 seconds (less than a goldfish), prompting analysts to describe them as impatient, distracted, and overwhelmed. Fast Company prefers to characterise their short attention span as a “highly evolved eight-second filter.” With endless information and choices at their fingertips, Gen Z are the most "ruthless" unforgiving consumers you will ever deal with. If your app, content, website, transaction, payment, customer service, are slow, you can forget winning Gen Z as your customers!
Eight out of Ten respondent expect mobile apps to transact in three seconds or less and they switch between devices and platforms 27 times an hour.
So Are You Ready To Race Under 8 Seconds?
So for you marketers out there, you got only 8 seconds! when it comes to marketing to Gen Z, every moment counts. You’ll have less time to grab their attention, and you want to make sure that you use your time carefully. To tackle this challenge, marketers must do these 5 things right
Fast Respond In All Engagement Platform. Make sure your App, website, e store, social media admin, customer service chat are high speed respond and never make them wait. Ideas: Implement chatbot for customer service, always-on sosmed admin, and invest on a high performance app and website by using professional app developer. they know if your app / website build by your niece in college in just under 1 second.
Short Form Content. Make sure that the content targeted toward Gen Z is captivating enough to keep their attention. So skip any lengthy, unnecessary introductions. After all, you’ll only have about 8 seconds to convince them that your content is worth the watch. Ideas: Create short form content instead of long TV ads, create 15 seconds Tiktok challenge vs 3 months competition, explore vertical videos content that feed naturally in mobile phones and social media format.
Multi Screens Multi device. Coupled with a short attention span, generation Z can use up to five screens at the same time. With them constantly switching between devices, design and custom your messaging for every platform, Ideas: simulate "A day in a life" of Gen Z what content they consume during the day, from the moment they wake up until they go back to sleep. Based on that design interception plan at each time they consume with the right messaging and on the right medium.
Customisation and Personalisation. Every email, text, offers, promo you send must be relevant straight away. if you send a generic or a totally miss match promo such as baby diapers promo for teenage users, you will get blocked, forever loose that customer and you will hear it on social media that can kill your reputation instantly. Ideas: for big brands, implement Big data to deliver the best slice and dice information about your customer and adjust all communication based on that. For smaller brands and mom and pop shops, remember your clients leave digital footprints all over the internet, so there’s no excuse for any business not to take advantage of the many information-gathering technologies available today. Try GoogleAdsense or Google Analytics to get customer insights and make groupings based on that for your engagement strategy.
Instant Rewards. Generation Z is used to instant gratification and impulsive decisions. Ideas: Design immediate 10% cash back versus collect 10.000 points to win a car, donate 10.000 IDR to charity vs receive point rewards.
Lets win Gen Z's heart and wallet. Fast respond in all engagement platforms, change your content to short form, do customisation and personalisation and provide instant rewards and gratification, if you don't, they will be gone in 8.25 seconds!
* : 5 Differences Between Marketing To Millennials Vs Gen Z